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Adult Disability Payment (ADP)

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) has become Adult Disability Payment (ADP). This happened in June 2022.

ADP is a new Scottish benefit and is happening as part of Scottish devolution.

Your ADP will be the same amount as your PIP. You'll be paid on the same day and there will be no gap in your payments during the move from PIP to ADP.

You do not need to apply for ADP.  DWP and Social Security Scotland will move your benefit for you. Social Security Scotland will not reassess or review your award during the move.

When is the move happening?

From June 2022 Social Security Scotland started to move claims from Personal Independence Payment (PIP) over to Adult Disability Payment (ADP) for those living in Scotland who were due a review of their PIP award with the DWP or near the end of their PIP award with no review scheduled.

Social Security Scotland will  continue to move claims from PIP to ADP and hopes to complete this by Summer 2024.

What is ADP?

ADP is extra money to help you if you have a disability or long-term health condition that affects your everyday life.

We refer to these things as your condition.

ADP is made up of two parts:

  1. daily living
  2. mobility

You may qualify for one or both parts.

The amount you get depends on how your condition affects your ability to do everyday activities and get around.

It does not matter if you're working or not.

Your income and savings are not taken into account.

Am I eligible?

You can apply for ADP if you have either a:

  • disability or long-term physical or mental health condition
  • terminal illness

You can still apply if you're waiting for a diagnosis. You need to be between 16 and State Pension age.

You cannot get PIP and ADP at the same time.

You do not need to apply for ADP if you already get PIP or Disability Living Allowance for adults from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).

Social Security Scotland will move your benefit to ADP without you having to do anything. Find out more about how your benefit is moving to Social Security Scotland.

When you can apply

Applications for ADP are limited to start with while Social Security Scotland makes sure the process works.

You can apply for ADP from 20 June 2022 if you live in North or South Lanarkshire.

Check if you qualify for ADP

You can apply for ADP if you have a disability or long-term health condition that affects your everyday life.

You can check if you meet the other requirements to qualify for ADP before you start an application.

We’ll ask you questions about:

  • where you live
  • any restrictions on your right to live in the UK
  • if you're on other benefits
  • your age

We'll not ask about your disability or health condition just now.

You can check if you qualify.

There are two parts to the ADP application:

  • part 1 asks for your personal details
  • part 2 asks for details about your condition and how it affects your daily life

How long you have to apply

Once you have completed part 1 of the ADP application, you must complete part 2 within 56 days (eight weeks).

If you're applying online, you can save your application and continue when it suits you within the eight-week period.

You can ask Social Security Scotland for more time to complete part 2 if you need it. You do not have to give a reason.

You do not need to wait until you have supporting information before you submit part 2 of your application. You can submit part 2 and then send supporting information afterwards.

How to apply for ADP

You'll apply for ADP in two parts. This is unless you're applying for someone who is terminally ill, in which case there is only one part to make the process faster.

Both parts of the application should be completed within eight weeks of each other. If you have any difficulties meeting the timescales, contact Social Security Scotland to discuss.


To apply online you’ll need to enter your postcode to confirm that applications are open in your area.

If applications are open in your area, you can then get to the online application through myaccount. This lets you save the application as you go so you can come back to it when it suits you.

If you do not already have an account, you’ll need to register with a username and password and give some personal details.

You can only have one online application open at a time.

Phone and paper

You can phone Social Security Scotland to start an application. You can call free on 0800 182 2222 (8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday).

If you're a British Sign Language user, you can use the contactSCOTLAND app to contact Social Security Scotland by video relay.

Social Security Scotland will ask you for some details so they can complete part 1 of the application for you over the phone.

They'll then send you a paper application for part 2 to complete and return in a prepaid envelope.

Get help to apply for ADP

Our Team can help you to apply for ADP. You can get in touch with the team by emailing or by calling 01698 332551.

The Social Security Scotland Local Delivery service can also help you to apply for ADP. You can contact them online or you can call them on 0800 182 2222 (8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday).

Someone can apply for ADP for you if you're unable to apply yourself. This might be:

  • a family member
  • a friend
  • a carer, support worker or someone else who helps you
  • an appointee who is acting on your behalf

If you want to apply in a language that’s not English, Contact Social Security Scotland to:

  • apply over the phone – you can do this in over 100 languages with an interpreter they’ll provide
  • ask them to send you a paper application form – you can get it in over 100 different languages

You can ask for languages such as:

  • Polish
  • Arabic
  • Romanian
  • Urdu
  • Mandarin
  • many of the other languages used in Scotland

It's free for you to apply in a language that’s not English.

The online application form is only in English.

As ADP is a new service, some processes may take longer. Processing applications can also take longer because of high demand.

How will I be paid?

ADP is normally paid every four weeks. This payment will be for the previous four-week period. It'll be paid into the account you gave in your application.

If you're terminally ill, ADP is paid weekly in advance.

Who pays it?

Social Security Scotland.

Is it means tested?


How to ask Social Security Scotland to look at their decision again

There are two ways to ask Social Security Scotland to look at their decision on your new application again:

By calling Social Security Scotland for free on 0800 182 2222 (8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday) or by completing a paper re-determinations form.

You should return your completed re-determinations form to: Social Security Scotland, PO Box 10303, Dundee, DD1 9FY.

You’ll also get this form with the letter telling you whether you’ll be paid ADP. If your ADP has been stopped or reduced, you can apply for short-term assistance while you apply for a re-determination.

How long you have to make a request

From the day you receive Social Security Scotland’s decision about your application for ADP, you have 42 days (six weeks), including weekends and bank holidays, to ask them to look again at what they decided.

Page last updated:
25 Apr 2024

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