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Help for homeowners - Scheme of Assistance

Changes to grants

All discretionary grants and financial help has now ended and we're not accepting grant applications.

Limited grants are available for owners included within a programme of works. We'll contact owners who qualify for these grants.

Mandatory assistance is still available for disabled adaptations.

Helping private owners and landlords carry out repairs and maintenance

We can help private homeowners carry out repairs and maintenance to their properties.

The range of help available is set out in our Scheme of Assistance, which is a public document detailing the type of help available and the criteria you must meet. Please contact to request a copy.

Disabled adaptations

The changes to the Scheme of Assistance will not affect mandatory grant assistance for disabled adaptations. You can start the process by contacting your local social work office.

Care and Repair in Lanarkshire

The charity is now supporting residents in North Lanarkshire with the organisation recently updating its name to reflect its wider geographical area of work.

Care and Repair in Lanarkshire now works across both the North and South council areas, assisting with small repairs, fire detection equipment advice and helping those living with dementia.

Lanarkshire residents aged 60 and over or who have disabilities or long-term health problems and who own or privately rent their homes are eligible to use Care and Repair’s service to help with small household maintenance tasks.

The organisation has also launched a project to support people with dementia and their carers with practical changes around the house and installation of equipment, with both self-referrals and those from Health & Social Care staff being accepted.

For more information visit Care and Repair in Lanarkshire

Telephone: 01555 666200 or email

The type of help available

The help available to owners includes information, advice, practical and technical assistance.

It is subject to our priorities, available resources and tailored to individual needs and circumstances.

Two adjoining owners experiencing the same problems of disrepair may not receive the same type of assistance. The help we give has a key aim of empowering owners to carry out works for themselves. It also aims to assist as many owners as possible to honour their maintenance and repair obligations.

Where a disabled person's home no longer meets their needs, mandatory grant provision may be available. This will depend on the type of work needed to make it suitable and if their needs are eligible for support under the Priorities Framework. This is decided following an assessment of the person's needs which is carried out by an officer from social work services. 

The type of help we provide to disabled persons is described in the Scheme of Assistance document. It details:

  1. The mandatory assistance to be provided to disabled people.
  2. Non-mandatory/discretionary assistance that the council may offer to other owners and private landlords (please note, as of March 2020, discretionary grants are no longer available).
  3. Details of the enforcement powers available to the council and what help the council will provide where these powers are used.

The Scheme of Assistance has been reviewed to reflect changes to the discretionary grant scheme.

As part of the Scheme of Assistance the council have developed a range of 'Guides' that give homeowners information relevant to maintaining and repairing their properties. This information is general and applicable to all owners. If you wish to receive a copy please contact the Private Sector team.

The Repairing Standard and First-tier Tribunal for Scotland (Housing and Property Chamber)

If you are a private landlord or a tenant you should be aware of your statutory rights and responsibilities in relation to the Repairing Standard and the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland (Housing and Property Chamber). If you are a private tenant and are concerned about the condition of your flat or house, the Housing and Property Chamber may be able to help you.

Private landlords are legally required to repair the properties they rent out, but sometimes this is difficult to enforce. The Repairing Standard sets out landlord's obligations and the Housing and Property Chamber makes it easier to enforce these. Most private landlords keep their properties in good repair and make sure they meet their legal obligations. Enforcement action through the Housing and Property Chamber will only be necessary for the small number of landlords who fail to do so.

More information on private renting can be found at the Shelter Scotland website. Find out more about the Housing and Property Chamber.

Under One Roof website

A new national website is available which gives helpful information to people living in or managing works to common properties. The Under One Roof website contains:

  • articles on flat owners' legal responsibilities towards their co-owners
  • technical information to help owners to identify repair problems
  • technical information to help owners to understand quotations from builders
  • drawings and photographs to help owners identify the various parts that make up their building
  • sample letters for use when corresponding with their neighbours
  • advice on dealing with owners who refuse to take part in repairs

For people living in or managing works to common properties like four-in-block, converted villas, new flats and traditional stone tenements, the site provides a wide range of information.

Smoke alarm legislation

A new national standard for fire and smoke alarms is being introduced by the Scottish Government.  These changes will affect all homes from February 2022 and from this date, every home must have:

 a smoke alarm in the living room and in circulation spaces such as hallways and landings

  • a heat alarm in every kitchen
  • all alarms ceiling mounted and interlinked
  • a carbon monoxide alarm where there are fixed combustion appliances such as boilers and wood burners

The new rules mean the standard which currently applies to private rented property and new-builds is being extended to all homes in Scotland. The Scottish Government has produced a guide for homeowners, which can be found at Fire and smoke alarms: changes to the law.

We do not have any financial assistance for homeowners who are required to make changes to their homes to meet this new standard. However, homeowners can arrange a free fire safety check with the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS). Contact information for the SFRS can be found on their website at Scottish Fire and Rescue Service.

Page last updated:
04 Mar 2024

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