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Rowing Regatta

Our Fun Boats will be closed on Saturday 27 July at Strathclyde Country Park due to the Home International Rowing Regatta.

Disabled parking spaces

To qualify for a disabled parking space

You must:

  • have a blue badge, with at least three months before the expiry date
  • have a vehicle registered at the address
  • have a vehicle that is suitable for your needs
  • not have use of a driveway, access or garage at the property, or alternative parking facilities adjacent to, your address

How do I apply?

Download an application form or contact us to request an application form by post.

You must then submit the application form, ensuring all details are complete and provide proof that you have a vehicle registered at your address. We are unable to validate an application without this.

Requests to refurbish an existing bay will be processed in the same way as a new application.

Proof of vehicle at the address

Providing proof of a vehicle registered at an address can usually be demonstrated by a photocopy of a vehicle’s V5C (log book) document. However, where this is not available, a car lease document, a mobility car lease scheme letter detailing the vehicle or a company letter (on headed paper with company stamp) is acceptable. 

If you meet these criteria, we will carry out a site assessment to establish if a bay can be safely provided close to the address.

A bay may not be provided if:

  • the bay would be located within 15 metres of a junction
  • the bay would be located within a turning facility
  • the bay would be likely to cause an obstruction
  • the bay is not on a road that the Roads Authority maintains (if so, a request should be made directly to those who have management responsibilities for these areas like a housing association or factor)

What we will do

If an appropriate location can be identified, a courtesy bay will be marked. A courtesy bay has no legal standing and cannot be enforced. It should be noted that the bay will be marked at the closest appropriate point on the public road network to the address. If further information is required then the staff may contact you to discuss the location.

To allow the bays to be legally enforced, we will promote a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO), which is a lengthy statutory process. The order will be advertised in the local paper and allows people to object to the location of the bay. If the order is successfully made the applicant will be advised by letter (please note, we no longer provide a supplementary sign).

At this point, the disabled bay can legally be enforced by parking attendants. You should be aware however that the bay is not for the badge holder’s sole use, and can be used by anyone who displays a valid blue badge. Your blue badge will have to be displayed at all times when the vehicle is parked within the disabled bay.


Indicative timescales for the process (from receipt of a valid application and supporting information. These timescales are likely to be longer while Coronavirus restrictions remain in place):

  • Site assessment and marking of the courtesy bay (allows for adverse weather events and parked cars preventing the marking of the bays) - three months.
  • TRO conclusion (depends on objections received) - 9 to 15 months.

Page last updated:
26 Feb 2024

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