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Rowing Regatta

Our Fun Boats will be closed on Saturday 27 July at Strathclyde Country Park due to the Home International Rowing Regatta.

Making life easier

We are working with colleagues across all public services, including NHS Lanarkshire, North Lanarkshire Health and Social Care Partnership and the independent, third and voluntary sectors in North Lanarkshire.

How 'making life easier' works

The Making Life Easier website is available 24 hours a day, 356 days a year and provides information, signposting and self assessments.

The site is for use by anyone who lives in North Lanarkshire or on behalf of someone who lives in North Lanarkshire.

Although the service is mainly about adults, some of the information may be useful for young people.

What is on the site?


You can get information on local self-help groups and national organisations, that offer support to people who live with long-term conditions or a disability or are finding things difficult as they get older.

Some of the information is about long-term conditions and disabilities, some is about keeping safe and well at home and some is about being able to get out and about in your local community.


You can get advice on a range of everyday topics from professional staff who provide hints and tips on how to carry out everyday activities independently.

Access to services

You can get direct access to services if you carry out the guided self-assessment option. You can do this for yourself or someone can do this on your behalf. The person who is helping you doesn't even need to live in North Lanarkshire.

At the moment you can get access to a broad range of equipment and minor adaptations to your home if these are matched for you in a guided self-assessment.

We are developing the service so that people will be able to access a broader range of services and support.

Further help

If you want to know more or want help to use the service, please email

Page last updated:
23 Jul 2024

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