We’re carrying out essential maintenance to our website on Thursday 19 September, between 11 am and 12 pm. Some of our location and map-based services may be unavailable during this time.
A new website has been launched to support people who are living with suicidal thoughts, their families, friends and communities - Surviving Suicidal Thoughts
NHS 24 has worked with our partners at the National Suicide Prevention Leadership Group, SAMH, Police Scotland and people with lived experience around suicide.
Surviving Suicidal Thoughts - frequently asked questions
What is this website about?
Supporting people who are thinking about suicide. Sharing video stories from others with the same experience who have gone on to find ways of coping and living better.
Who is it for?
People experiencing thoughts of suicide or planning to end their life. Anyone who knows or worries that someone is thinking about suicide or planning to complete suicide.
Who has shared their journey?
People from across Scotland who experienced very different situations and circumstances. People who found a way to live past their suicidal thoughts or intentions.
What is the content like?
There are short clips of people sharing their stories to offer hope and support. The content is for anyone experiencing thoughts of suicide. It is for those around them, family, friends, workmates and others too.
What advice and support are included?
Short video clips with information on how to listen and talk about suicidal feelings. Ways to cope when it feels as though you can't, and what to look for in warning signs. How to reach urgent help such as 999, the Samaritans or 111.
Where can I see the stories?
On the NHS inform website.
Who has created this site?
NHS 24 has worked with our partners at the National Suicide Prevention Leadership Group, SAMH, Police Scotland and people with lived experience around suicide.
Where else can I go for help?
Telephone help is available every hour of the day, every day of the year:
- If you or someone else is in danger call 999
- For support with mental distress contact your GP in working hours or call 111 at any time
- The Samaritans are there to listen on 116 123 day and night, 365 days of the year
- Breathing Space 0800 83 85 87
- Opening hours: Monday - Thursday 6pm to 2am
- Friday 6pm - Monday 6am