Is the council’s budget just one big pot of money?
No, we have two different types of budget: revenue and capital.
Revenue expenditure
The day-to-day expenditure incurred by the council to provide public services including employee costs, property repairs and maintenance, providing free school meals and school transport to eligible pupils, payments to care home providers and early learning childcare providers.
Capital expenditure
Expenditure used to buy, enhance or improve long-term assets which would include school buildings, vehicle fleet and improving digital technology.
Capital spending helps the council deliver on the Plan for North Lanarkshire with key investments in new Town and Community Hubs, Country Parks for the Future and supporting Town Visions.
The council cannot move money from the capital fund to the revenue budget - which is our day-to-day costs for providing council services.
The General Fund and Housing Revenue Account (HRA) are revenue budgets, which include all income and expenditure incurred in the day-to-day running of the council.
The HRA is a ringfenced account, which deals with all transactions relating to the council's function as a housing landlord. The majority of expenditure incurred is met through tenant housing rents.
The General Fund comprises all other services such as education, social work provision, waste collection, leisure centres, parks and libraries and so on.
Where does the council get its budget from?
The money that we have to spend on services comes primarily from the Scottish Government.
You may think that the council tax you pay is where we get most of our budget, but that only makes up 17% of our total budget. The largest amount, 81% of our budget, comes directly from the Scottish Government grant.
General Fund
- Scottish Government funding - £806.2m
- Council Tax - £166.8m
- Other - £17.7m
- Total - £990.7m