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Digital and IT strategy

Integral to the successful delivery of The Plan for North Lanarkshire, the Digital and IT strategy is critical to enabling the council to deliver on its vision. It sets the standards and provides the direction for the strategies, policies, and plans which enable the delivery of critical public services, business as usual activities and the investment programmes of work. 

This latest refresh to the Digital and IT Strategy sets out plans which improve the connectivity and accessibility of North Lanarkshire as a place, but also to improve the ability of local people, businesses, and communities to gain the skills and confidence to benefit from digital opportunities.  

The strategy reflects the recent Digital Infrastructure Connectivity project which is key to unlocking potential for cost savings, improving productivity, enhancing service delivery and redesign, while facilitating smart and sustainable outcomes across communities. This includes sector leading technologies, extending connectivity, access and affordability, enhancing training and employment opportunities, supporting business growth and digital transformation, and generating inward investment.

Making sure that residents are involved at the heart of digital transformation and understanding their needs will continue to underpin all service redesign activity across the council.  Ensuring they can work, learn, access services, and connect with others through having the right support, tools, and skills is critical to achieving a Digital North Lanarkshire. 

Page last updated:
01 Aug 2024

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