Winter Heating Payment replaces Cold Weather Payment
A new benefit - Winter Heating Payment - has replaced the Cold Weather Payment in Scotland.
DWP will no longer make any Cold Weather Payments to people who live in Scotland.
What is it?
The Winter Heating Payment has replaced the Cold Weather Payment for people living in Scotland.
The Winter Heating Payment will be paid automatically by Social Security Scotland to anyone who qualifies for the payment.
It does not depend on weather conditions or the temperature levels where you live.
What you'll get?
The payment for winter 2023 to 2024 is £55.05.
Am I eligible?
To be eligible for the Winter Heating Payment you must be in receipt of one of the following benefits:
- Universal Credit
- Pension Credit
- Income Support
- income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
- income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- Support for Mortgage Interest
If you were previously eligible for a Cold Weather Payment from DWP and your circumstances have not changed you will be eligible for a Winter Heating Payment instead. You do not need to do anything.
How do I apply?
You don’t need to apply.
Payments for winter 2023 to 2024 will begin from the middle of December.
Social Security Scotland expects to begin to make payments from the middle of December 2023 and will pay the majority of eligible people by the end of January 2024. If eligible you will receive a letter from Social Security Scotland before they make the payment.
You can identify the payment by the reference code on your bank statement. The code will include 'WHP'. This stands for Winter Heating Payment.
Unable to heat or power your home?
If you are in a financial crisis and cannot afford your heating or electricity you may be able to get a crisis grant as a one-off to assist you in the crisis. You can apply for this by contacting the Scottish Welfare Fund.