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Council tax bands, charges and appeals

Council tax charges

Details for each band.

We have set the council tax levels for the year 2024/2025 at:

Council tax bands 2024/2025 annual charges 2023/2024 annual charges
A £880.52 £880.52
B £1027.27 £1027.27
C £1174.03 £1174.03
D £1320.78 £1320.78
E £1735.36 £1735.36
F £2146.27 £2146.27
G £2586.53 £2586.53
H £3235.91 £3235.91

These amounts above do not include your water and sewerage charges. For details of water and sewerage charges contact Scottish Water.

Visit our other pages for information on Disabled persons relief, Exemptions and empty dwellings and Discounts.

Please contact us if you have any questions.

Page last updated:
08 Aug 2024

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