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Equality Strategy 2019-2024

Five objectives for success

We have set five objectives to make sure equality and human rights becomes a normal part of our work.

1. To know and understand all our communities

We will gather and analyse equality data and work with a wide range of partners to develop a robust understanding of the changing identities and needs of our local communities.  

This evidence based knowledge will inform our planning and decision making so that we can ensure best quality services and deliver better outcomes for all our residents.

2. To involve our communities effectively 

We will use new and creative forms of community engagement so that all of our residents – including seldom heard groups – feel that they can participate in public life and that the council listens to them. This engagement will be an ongoing dialogue and centred on the ‘nothing about us without us’ philosophy. 

We will reflect on lessons learned from our history and the experiences of our partners to improve our practices and our ability to identify potential impacts on equality when making changes. 

3. To demonstrate leadership in equalities and human rights, both within the council and amongst partners, and organisational commitment to excellence 

Our commitment to diversity and equality will be at the heart of our vision, ambitions, priorities and plans. We will encourage political leaders and senior officers to demonstrate leadership by championing equality, promoting respect, challenging prejudice and addressing negative stereotyping of any groups. 

We will work with a wide range of partners to foster good relations and build resilient, cohesive communities that take pride in and feel a sense of responsibility towards their neighbourhoods. 

We will share good practice with and benchmark our practice against local authorities and other relevant organisations. 

We will take effective action where disadvantage exists using positive action measures where appropriate.

4. To ensure that local public  services are responsive to different needs and treat users with dignity and respect 

Commitment to equality and human rights is integrated into our business planning and delivery, including service level procurement, resource allocation and performance management. 

We will make sure that our decisions, policies and practices are assessed so as they are fair and that opportunities to promote equality and deliver positive outcomes for all communities, service users and employees are pursued. 

We will make sure that the best possible quality local services are provided, appropriate and accessible to the diverse and changing needs of all our residents and service users. 

We will make sure the information we produce and the way we communicate is effective and accessible – we understand that one size does not fit all.

5. To develop and sustain a skilled and committed workforce able to meet the needs of all local people  

Our commitment to equality and diversity is integral to all employment policies, practices and procedures. We will recruit and retain a diverse, highly skilled and motivated workforce and create an inclusive workplace where all of our diverse employees feel engaged and able to be themselves, and are responsive to local communities. 

We expect our entire workforce to play a role in achieving the equality strategy and will strengthen their skills to work with communities in new ways. We will promote a commitment to equality and human rights with those we work with and require it in those from whom we commission services.   

Page last updated:
18 Nov 2020

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