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View and comment on planning applications

You can view, comment and track the progress of planning applications online.

When commenting on planning applications

Our step-by-step guide tells you how to search for and comment on planning applications. The guide also tells you how to track your search and how to share your search with others.

Summary on how to comment

  • You will first need to click on 'View and comment on planning applications' above to register and use the secure sign-in service.
  • You will be sent an email when you have registered. If you don't get it within a few minutes, check your junk folder.

For all comments

  • We will only deal with comments about valid planning issues.
  • Your comments will be made available online to the public.
  • We are required to publish your name and address.
  • We will not publish your signature, telephone number, email address or any defamatory comment.
  • Public and/or neighbour comments must be made before the end of the neighbour notification expiry date or before the end of the expiry date of any public advert, whichever date is the later. This expiry date may be different from the standard consultation expiry date noted in the Important Dates section in the public portal. The standard consultation relates to statutory consultees who are organisations and bodies, defined by statute, who must be consulted on relevant planning applications, rather than members of the public. 

Valid planning issues

We can only deal with comments about valid planning issues. Some examples of these are: 

  • policies and proposals in the local development plan/strategic development plan
  • layout and density of development
  • design, appearance, materials
  • overlooking/loss of privacy
  • loss of light or overshadowing
  • drainage/infrastructure
  • effect on the character of listed building or conservation area
  • nature conservation
  • parking
  • road safety
  • traffic generation
  • noise and disturbance
  • potential flooding and contamination
  • odours
  • government policy

Comments that aren't valid

The following examples are not valid comments and cannot be taken into consideration when assessing a planning application: 

  • loss in value of your house or property as a result of the development
  • an opinion that there is no need for the development eg. having enough hot food takeaways in the area already
  • boundary or neighbour disputes
  • loss of a private view
  • health issues
  • commercial/business competition
  • the identity of the applicant
  • where the development has commenced or been completed (in advance of the application for planning permission)
  • moral issues in connection with, for example, betting shops, public houses, amusement arcades

What happens next?

Your comments on valid planning issues will be taken into account when deciding whether or not to grant planning permission. 

If you choose to comment, we will get back and let you know the decision on the application.

If the application comes under our Scheme of Delegation, the outcome of the application will be decided by the planning service on behalf of the council.

Depending on the nature and size of the proposal, or the number of objections received (six or more objections on valid planning issues from separate households), and the nature of your comments, the decision on whether or not to grant planning permission may be made by Committee. 

For more information, please see our Protocol for Planning Application Hearings.

For free impartial planning advice you can visit the Planning Aid Scotland website. Planning Aid Scotland is an independent charity that offers free, impartial and confidential planning advice, provided by staff and volunteers all of whom are chartered planners.

Page last updated:
20 May 2024

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