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Rowing Regatta

Our Fun Boats will be closed on Saturday 27 July at Strathclyde Country Park due to the Home International Rowing Regatta.

Consulting with other owners

As well as tenanted homes, we share responsibility for common elements of blocks of flats with approximately 10,000 private owners and landlords throughout North Lanarkshire.

All owners, including the council as an owner of properties, are responsible for their share of the cost of the maintenance and upkeep common elements of blocks of flats. This includes:

  • roofs and external walls
  • close areas
  • entrance doors/door entry systems

Proposed works to blocks of flats

If we are proposing works to a block of flats, we will contact the other responsible owners and registered landlords of flats about their participation in the proposed works. When the council proposes undertaking works, it does this in its role as simply another owner with the same rights and responsibilities as any other owners in a block. Any owner in a block has the right to propose works to other owners including the council. This could be for new work such as wanting to paint the close area through to gathering different quotes for works the council has contacted owners about. Advice on what this would involve for owners in blocks of flats where the council owns properties is available at Flatted blocks - private owners and North Lanarkshire Council

If you rent out a property you own, you must be registered with the appropriate local authority. If you are not registered, you may be committing a criminal offence for which you could be fined up to £50,000.

Find out more about the landlord registration process, including how to register online.

Grant assistance

Although grant assistance to owners is no longer available to help with the cost of works, owners can still be offered an interest-free debt replacement plan option to pay their share of the costs of certain works.

If you are an owner in a block of flats sharing responsibility for common areas with other owners including the council, you can also propose works to the block for consideration by all owners. This would mean you would be responsible for agreeing the specification for the works with the other owners and private landlords, obtaining quotes, employing, managing and paying the contractor for the works once they were complete.

Subject to confirmation that all necessary requirements have been met, we would pay for works on properties owned by ourselves, where works need to be done on common elements within blocks with shared ownership.

Privately owned blocks of flats

If you live in a fully privately owned block of flats, we will not contact you about our investment plans in your area asking if you wish to participate.

If you are an owner in either in a fully private block or a block where the council is also an owner and you feel you may wish to consider organising works on behalf of the other owners, our Private Sector Solutions team can offer you advice on what this would involve. Email the team

Factoring details 

The Property Factors Scotland Act provides a public Property Factor Register which can be searched to find out who the property factor is for a certain property address or area of land.

For addressees where North Lanarkshire Council is named as the factor, it should be noted the council is not employed in the role of factor by the owners of the above property nor retains any monies from owners in this regard. The council, when proposing or organising any potential works required to mixed tenure blocks would be acting in its role as simply another owner of at least one other property in a block.

If you require any further information on addresses for which North Lanarkshire Council is named as factor, please email

Page last updated:
23 May 2024

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