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Useful Gaelic resources for parents, carers and learners - Goireasan feumail na Gàidhlig airson phàrantan, luchd-cùraim & luchd-ionnsachaidh

Here is a list of resources which will be helpful to parents or carers who have children in Gaelic Medium education and also anyone who is interested in learning Gaelic.

Seo liosta ghoireasan a tha rim faotainn air loidhne a bhiodh feumail dha pàrantan no luchd cùraim aig a bheil clann ann am foghlam na Gàidhlig agus cuideachd luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig.

  • North Lanarkshire Gaelic Twitter
    This is a Gaelic Twitter Page run by North Lanarkshire Council's Community Learning and Development department.
    Seo duilleag Twitter na Gàidhlig a tha ga ruith le Roinn Ionnsachadh agus Leasachadh na Coimhearsnachd aig Comhairle Siorrachd Lannraig a Tuatha.
  • North Lanarkshire Gaelic Facebook
    This is a Gaelic Facebook Page run by North Lanarkshire Council's Community Learning and Development department.
    Seo duilleag Facebook na Gàidhlig a tha ga ruith le Roinn Ionnsachadh agus Leasachadh na Coimhearsnachd aig Comhairle Siorrachd Lannraig a Tuatha.
  • Gaelic4Parents
    This has a variety of songs and books. There are suggested age categories which can be used, in order to find content which is at a comfortable level for the user. There is also an online web chat between 5.30pm and 7.30pm for parents that need any assistance with the language.
    Tha roghainn mòran òrain agus leabhraichean rim faotainn an seo. Faodar cleachdadh roinn-seòrsaichean aoise airson na h-ìre a lorg a tha as cofhurtaile dhan neach-cleachdaidh.
  • Gàidhlig Nan Òg
    This has a variety of songs, videos and useful Gaelic phrases for children.Tha roghainn mhòr òrain, bhidiothan agus abairtean feumail na Gàidhlig rim faotainn an seo airson cloinne.
  • Leugh is Seinn le Linda
    Linda reads and sings a variety of Gaelic books and songs. Each session lasts around thirty minutes and is very interactive. Furthermore, Community Learning and Development has recently paired with the Gaelic Books Council to deliver tailored sessions on their own social media platforms.
    Bidh Linda a' leughadh diofar leabhraichean agus a' seinn tòrr òrain eadar-dhealaichte. Tha na seiseanan uile mu trichead mionaidean de dh'fhaid agus tha iad gu math spòrsail. A bharrachd air seo, tha Roinn Ionnsachadh agus Leasachadh na Coimhearsnachd air obair còmhla ri Comhairle nan Leabhraichean gus seiseanan sònraichte a thoirt seachad air na meadhanan sòisealta aca fhèin.
  • Gaelic Education
    A useful website with a variety of games, recipes and songs in Gaelic.
    Làrach-lìn fheumail air a bheil tòrr gheamannan, reasabaidhean agus òrain.
  • Comann Nam Pàrant
    Useful information can be found here regarding Gaelic education in Scotland and lots of other helpful resources.
    Tha fiosrachadh feumail ri fhaotainn an seo mu dheidhinn na tha a' tachairt ann am foghlam na Gàidhlig agus tòrr ghoireasan feumail.
  • LearnGaelic
    An extremely useful resource for Gaelic learners which has its own dictionary and learning units. The dictionary is regularly updated with new words and audio is provided with each word or phrase so that pronunciation can be heard.
    Goireas air leth feumail dha luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig air a bheil faclair agus aonadan ionnsachaidh. Bidh am faclair air ùrachadh gu tric agus tha clàradh an fhuaimneachaidh còmhla ri gach facal no abairt air a bheil feum.

Page last updated:
06 Mar 2024

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