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Child Protection Workforce Learning and Development Programme

For people who work in child protection

North Lanarkshire Child Protection Committee (CPC) works with partners to offer a comprehensive multi-agency CPC training programme.

If you want to apply to attend a course, you should ensure you have your line manager's support and forward your completed application form to your appropriate agency representative or book using your online system, details can be found on the application form.

Courses are funded by multi agency contributions to the Child Protection Committee budget and are free to participants.

Available courses include:


CEOP - The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre is a government and police organisation, designed to help protect young people all over the UK.

CEOP ThinkUKnow Introduction Course is designed to give staff an awareness of new technology and the risks that young people can face whilst interacting with it. This could be in relation to social media sites, mobile phones, gaming, or other related issues.

Delegates are required to register on the CEOP website before attending the course.

Following this training, participants will be able to access additional free resources on the CEOP website, cascade awareness-raising sessions to other staff, parents, children and young people.

For more information, and to view some of the resources available, go to

North Lanarkshire Child Protection Self Learning Pack

We support all of those working with children and young people to have, as a minimum a ‘foundation’ knowledge of child protection that allows them to recognise and respond to concerns about a child.

This self-learning pack forms part of our earning and development materials. 

It offers essential information on child protection issues for those who may not need to attend a learning and development event but require foundation-level information to carry out their work, or are waiting to start their learning and development with us.

The contents of the pack should always be treated as first-step information for those with an interest in this area and does not replace the need to take the further learning steps you may need.


This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. Please contact us to request an accessible format.

Contact us

North Lanarkshire Child Protection Committee
Regent House
9 High Patrick Street

Page last updated:
14 Feb 2024

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