It’s important to look after your mental and physical health and wellbeing during the winter months.
Staying physically well and active
NHS Lanarkshire has information on winter vaccinations, how to access the service you need, self-help advice on a range of common illnesses and mental health support. To find the care you need quickly, safely and as close to home as possible, visit NHS 24.
Getting out in the fresh air is good for our physical and mental health. We have wonderful parks and greenspaces across North Lanarkshire for everyone to enjoy.
There's free entry at Summerlee Museum of Industrial Life and North Lanarkshire Heritage Centre. You'll find exhibitions, activities and events for all the family, and the web sites have activities you can do at home and topics to learn about local history and culture.
Parent Club Scotland has fun ideas to keep children active during the Christmas holidays.
Get Walking Lanarkshire run a programme of weekly health walks. All walks are free, short and gentle and last no longer than one hour. Everybody is welcome to join, and the walks are particularly suitable for people who are not very active, people with a health condition, those recovering from illness or injury and people who cannot walk very fast or far.
Across North Lanarkshire, we have sports centres and facilities offering fitness classes, gyms, swimming and sports for all ages.
Looking after your mental health during the dark months
Winter and the festive period can be a difficult time for many people. Self care is about the choices we make every day to stay happy and healthy. These include the small things we do like getting enough sleep, to bigger self-care choices, such as going to see a counsellor or attending an anger management course.
Festive holiday stress can be enough to get the better of anybody. Don't try to do it all. Aim for a level that allows everyone to enjoy themselves, including you. And find time for yourself.
Loneliness and social isolation tend to be more difficult to tackle during the winter months. Anyone can experience feelings of loneliness - you may be quite sociable and living with others yet still feel lonely. Social isolation comes about when people don't have a support network of friends or family. The problem may be exacerbated by ill health or money concerns.
Loneliness can lead to low mood and, in some cases, suicidal thoughts. If you are feeling suicidal, or are worried about someone you know, there is support available.
Useful contacts
Local support
Well Informed mental health and well-being information service: 0800 073 0918
Elament Lanarkshire: online advice about mental health and wellbeing
Benefits, welfare and debt advice: 01698 332551
Other support
Samaritans: call 116 123
Breathing Space: call 0800 838 587
Alcoholics Anonymous: call 0800 917 7650
Narcotics Anonymous: call 0300 999 1212
Parent Line: call 08000 28 22 23
National Domestic Abuse Helpline: call 0800 027 1234