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Active Travel Strategy

Welcome to the Active Travel Strategy for North Lanarkshire. This sets out our approach to active travel policy in our area for the next 10 years.

Active Travel Strategy

This strategy aims to create a wide range of connections across North Lanarkshire that can be utilised for everyday journeys such as travelling for employment, education or meeting essential needs as well as recreation.

Significantly, the strategy provides a framework for the council to prioritise and bring forward active travel interventions across North Lanarkshire that will improve links within our towns. These will align with our Town Visions to provide better active travel networks between our communities and across our local authority boundary. This will ensure that the possibilities afforded by the strategy are not just confined to journeys made within North Lanarkshire. The strategy places a strong emphasis on strengthening wider strategic connections with our neighbouring authorities, as well as links with partner and stakeholder groups, both corporate and community-based.

The approach we are taking to improve the long-term uptake of walking and cycling in North Lanarkshire supports the Scottish Government’s National Transport Strategy and Active Travel Framework which incorporate the aims of the National Walking Strategy and Cycling Action Plan. Through the strategy, we will provide local support to a national commitment to make our journeys more sustainable.

View the Active Travel Strategy below as an interactive online StoryMap.

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If you require further information on the Active Travel Strategy, please email

Active Travel Strategy 2021-2031


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Page last updated:
01 Aug 2024

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