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What goes in my green lidded recycling bin?

Your green lidded recycling bin accepts glass, metals, plastics and cartons.

You can use your green lidded bin to recycle these materials:

  • Glass bottles and jars, along with plastic and metal lids.
  • Metal cans and tins - if possible, squash to save space in your bin - you don't need to remove any labels.
  • Food and drink cartons - after a rinse, you can recycle cartons for juice, smoothies or soup. 
  • All clean plastic bottles, food trays and tubs including yoghurt and margarine tubs, milk cartons, ready meal containers, meat trays, black plastic food trays, juice bottles, shampoo and shower gel bottles, and detergent and washing-up liquid bottles. Bottle tops can also be recycled.
  • Empty aerosol cans, such as deodorant, hairspray and furniture polish.
  • Clean tin foil and aluminium trays - foil food trays that takeaways and some ready meals come in should be rinsed and tin foil that you have wrapped food in can also be recycled after a rinse or wipe. Scrunch it into a ball with any other foil items - the bigger the ball, the easier it is to sort and recycle during processing.
  • If you have spray plastic bottles, the main bottle can be recycled but please remove the trigger and place this in your general waste bin.

Please rinse and, where possible, flatten items.

We are unable to accept:

  • Crisp and sweet wrappers - if you're not sure what can be recycled, give the wrapper the scrunch test - if it stays scrunched, it is foil and can be recycled in your green-lidded bin; if it springs back, it is metallised plastic and can't be recycled.
  • Drinking glasses, Pyrex, mirrors, ceramics, window glass or light bulbs - these melt at a different temperature and can't be recycled, so please place in your general waste bin.
  • Plastic bags or pouches containing baby food, yoghurts, sauces, juice or pet food.
  • Squeezable tubes for items like toothpaste, hand cream, suntan lotion and shower gel cannot be recycled so they should go in the grey general waste bin.
  • Nappies, polythene or polystyrene.
  • Textiles and cotton wool or buds.
  • Cling film, bubble wrap, blister packs for pills and the thin plastic film covering food trays.

Fluorescent and low energy light bulbs can be recycled at any of our Household Waste Recycling Centres.

Please make sure that green-lidded bin material only is placed into the bin as we will be unable to empty your bin if it contains incorrect material.

The bin will be collected on a three-weekly cycle.

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Page last updated:
01 Aug 2024

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