What is fuel poverty and where can you get help
Fuel poverty is when a household cannot afford to heat their home to a comfortable level. This can be because of low income, poor insulation or the cost of energy.
Are you struggling to afford to heat your home and looking for advice?
The Home Energy Advice Team (HEAT) is an independent energy advice and advocacy service delivered by The Wise Group. This service funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund is available to vulnerable and/or fuel-poor households across North Lanarkshire that require support to resolve any energy-related issue and struggling to pay their energy bill. If you are eligible, they will also refer you to Home Energy Scotland.
To contact the HEAT Team phone 0800 092 9002.
Home Energy Scotland is a network of local advice centres covering all of Scotland. Home Energy Scotland is funded by the Scottish Government and managed by the Energy Saving Trust. It aims to help people in Scotland create warmer homes, reduce their bills and help tackle climate change.
Our Financial Inclusion Team can also offer practical help and advice to households experiencing fuel poverty.
You can reduce your fuel bills by taking steps to make your home as energy efficient as possible.
For more information or extra help available in the winter months see our winter services pages.