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Enterprise and communities (EqIA)
- Equality Impact Assessments
- CLNL Service Recovery
- Community Asset Transfer - Viewpark Gardens
- Community Asset Transfer – Palacerigg Community Trust
- Community Safety Strategy 2020-2025
- Consultative Draft Local Housing Strategy 2021-2026
- Economic Regeneration Delivery Plan
- Enterprise Project
- Local Authority Discretionary Fund - summary assessment
- New Supply Programme
- Strategic Housing Investment Plan 2024/25 to 2028/29
- Tackling Poverty Strategy
- Housing Domestic Abuse Policy
- Annual Review of Housing Asset Management Plan
- Annual Review of Community Safety Strategy
- Garden Assistance Scheme
- Millcroft Road CPO and Regeneration
- Tenancy Sustainment Policy
- North Lanarkshire Social Enterprise Strategy
- North Lanarkshire Tourism Strategy (Equality Impact Assessment)
- Tower Strategy – Build a Better Future Phase 2 Consultation
- The Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES)
- Insourcing of Business Gateway Lanarkshire Service
- UK Shared Prosperity Fund Investment Plan: North Lanarkshire
- First Stop Shop Service Review
- The HIVE Women’s Business Incubator project based in Airdrie
- Homelessness Action Plan 2025-28
- Housing Support Services Review 2024
Culture and Leisure NL Service Recovery
CLNL Service Recovery Summary Assessment
What is the policy/strategy/function trying to achieve/do?
Recovery of leisure and sport, libraries, museums and archives, venues, catering, community arts and community facilities after COVID-19.
The recovery will be achieved on a phased basis over a specific period of time and will include limited service offers in the early stages to ensure the health and safety of staff and customers is maintained.
If this is a budget saving, how will the saving be achieved?
This is not a budget savings exercise although streamlining of specific service delivery functions may take place as part of the recovery planning arrangements as new service delivery models - specifically developing and/or embedding online services.
If this policy is subject to the Fairer Scotland Duty, what does it suggest about the impact or potential impact on socio-economic disadvantage?
Service recovery will allow physical access to free and low cost cultural, sport and leisure services and general support for residents and local communities across North Lanarkshire.
This in turn may lead to positive outcomes for individuals and households, particularly in areas of economic deprivation and for specific communities of interest and communities of place.
Give details of the impact it has on groups and individuals
With the return of a varied programme of events and activities occurring within Airdrie Town Hall and Motherwell Concert Hall and Theatre, there will be an increase in physical events involving social, leisure and educational types. Therefore, it will have a positive effect across all demographics.
However, there may be restricted access to services i.e limited opening hours and reduced/limited frontline services, which may have an adverse effect on customers who are not able to access services at the times they are available.
Staff who are furloughed will be able to take up their substantive posts once again. The recovery of services will not only have a positive impact on staff morale, it may also help with metal health issues and social isolation issues for staff.
Staff will have to continue to work in bubbles and follow agreed guidelines. This may mean limited working time on site, which in turn may have an adverse effect on mental health.
What actions/measures will be put in place or are planned to mitigate any adverse impact or promote equality?
Keep under review the opening hours and reduced service options, with a view to full-service recovery as quickly as it is safe to do so.
All staff support mechanisms will be in place and robust communication processes will be followed followed.
Liaise with staff and begin relevant public marketing campaigns.
What is the result/recommendations of the assessment?
Introduce the policy.