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Rowing Regatta

Our Fun Boats will be closed on Saturday 27 July at Strathclyde Country Park due to the Home International Rowing Regatta.

Get Walking Lanarkshire

Coronavirus guidance on health walks

You should not take part in a health walk if you tested positive, are self-isolating or have any symptoms of coronavirus.


Please book for your first walk by emailing

This will allow us to monitor numbers.

Travelling to a health walk

There currently are no travel restrictions.

Physical distancing

There is no longer a legal requirement for physical distancing. However, we ask you to respect the space of others on the walk and also to be mindful of members of the public by allowing them to pass at a safe distance.


Please cover nose and mouth if you need to sneeze or cough on the walk, and put used tissues safely away.

Try to avoid touching your face with your hands.

Walk leaders will try to avoid routes with gates and steps. Where this has not been possible, please try to avoid touching gates and hand rails with your hands and use hand sanitiser after touching surfaces.

Please wash your hands as soon as you get home.

Contact tracing

There is currently no need for contact tracing.

Face coverings

Please bring a face covering to the walk, in case you fall or become unwell and require help.

You are free to wear a face covering during the walk if you feel safer doing so.

Meeting up

Whilst waiting at the meeting point please be mindful not to block pathways and allow members of the public to pass the group safely.

Please be aware that toilet facilities may not have reopened at or near the meeting points of the walks.

Staying in touch

To help us to keep in touch we would like to include your phone number in a telephone tree of your walking group. This will be shared with your walking group and will enable you to stay in touch with each other.

Because of data protection rules we need your permission to include you in this. You can give your permission to walk leaders.

You can withdraw your permission at any time by calling us on 07903 358424 or emailing

Page last updated:
04 Aug 2022

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