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Our Fun Boats will be closed on Saturday 27 July at Strathclyde Country Park due to the Home International Rowing Regatta.

Child protection

Parents and carers

As a parent or carer, you are responsible for bringing up a child or young person, promoting their wellbeing, health and development and protecting them from harm. 

Most parents and carers in North Lanarkshire do a very good job but it can be difficult at times and sometimes parents, or others caring for a child, need some advice, help or support. 

 Parentline Scotland provides free telephone advice to any adult caring for a child or young person in Scotland.

Call them on 08000 28 22 33.

Concerns about your child or another child

If you're concerned about your child or another child - speak to someone.

This might be a health visitor, nursery staff, teacher, GP, social worker, police officer or member of staff from our social work locality offices. 

You can also make contact with the Social Work Emergency Service at times when the locality office is closed in the evenings and on weekends by calling 0800 121 4114.

If the child is in immediate danger you should contact the police (999).

Advice on keeping children safe in specific circumstances

Keeping children safe online

As a parent, carer or a professional, it is important to educate yourself, children and young people that as well as the endless opportunities available through the internet and technology, there are also associated risks to be aware of.

Have a look at our spotlight on online safety page for more on this important issue or check out the Child Sexual Exploitation and Online Protection Think U Know website.

Keeping children safe in sport

More about what parents should look for when choosing a good sports club or activity for their child on the Children 1st Safeguarding in Sport website.

The Underwear Rule

This information was developed by NSPCC as an easy way to teach your children that their body belongs to them and to talk to a trusted adult if they ever feel scared or upset. You can download the Activity Pack for children and the Guide for Parents and Carers  that can make talking to your child easier. There is also a guide for children with a learning disability and children with Autism.

Getting It Right For Every Child (GIRFEC)

Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) is the National approach and underpins the Scottish Government’s commitment to provide all children, young people and their families with the right support at the right time so that every child and young person in Scotland can reach their full potential.

Most children and young people get all the support and help they need from their parent, carer, wider family and local community. There may be times, however, when a child or family need additional advice or support. The GIRFEC approach helps children and their families to work in partnership with services that can help them. When services work together and keep the child at the centre of all planning and actions, outcomes for children will improve.

Our vision for children and young people living in North Lanarkshire is that they will be safe, healthy, active, nurtured, achieving, respected, responsible, and included so they can realise their potential and grow to be successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors, and responsible citizens.

For more information, visit our GIRFEC website.


The Promise

Between February 2017 and February 2020, the Independent Care Review took place. The Review heard from over 5,500 people with experience of care, in an attempt to truly understand what needs to change to ensure Scotland’s most vulnerable children have the childhood they deserve.

In February 2020, The Promise was published as part of the Independent Care Review’s conclusion. The Promise reflects what was heard during the Review and outlines a vision for what Scotland must do to ensure our children grow up loved, safe and respected. 

North Lanarkshire Council, along with various other bodies, communities, and groups across Scotland have pledged to #KeepThePromise.

You can read The Promise, The Pinky Promise (for younger readers) and all other related reports here on the care review website.

If your family is involved in the child protection system

We know that being involved in the child protection system can be a stressful time for families. 

It is important that:

  • everything that's happening is explained to you
  • you and your child/children's views are listened to
  • you are advised of the best way you can support your child during this time

Your social worker should keep in regular contact with you and should give you a number where you can contact them, or leave a message if they are not available. 

A  leaflet is available for people who become involved in a child protection investigation, to help them to understand:

  • why people are concerned
  • what is likely to happen during the investigation
  • what will happen after the investigation

We have also produced a suite of information which to help you understand what's going on and explains some of the other processes that you might be involved in that are designed to keep your child safe.

Contact the child protection committee, if you would like copies of this information.

If you feel you need legal advice regarding you or your child's rights you can contact:


Contact us

Regent House
9 High Patrick Street

Page last updated:
19 Feb 2024

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