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Our Fun Boats will be closed on Saturday 27 July at Strathclyde Country Park due to the Home International Rowing Regatta.

Human rights - Easy Read

Police Scotland and hate crime

Hate Crime - Easy Read

This content is also available in an Easy Read document format.

Police Scotland takes hate crime very seriously.

They will work to do everything they can to arrest the person or people who have broken the law.

Everyone in Scotland is protected by law from hate crime.

This includes:

  • people who live in Scotland including asylum seekers or refugees
  • people who are here to work
  • people who are visiting Scotland

An asylum seeker or a refugee is a person who has fled their home country because of war or other things harming them or their family.

They come to another country for protection.

If English is not your first language, we will get assistance for you from an interpreter which includes a British Sign Language interpreter.

This is to help you give us your report in your first language.

We want you to feel safe and comfortable when speaking to us.

If we can, we will arrange to speak with you at a place you feel comfortable.

You can also have a support person present.

Page last updated:
03 Aug 2022

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