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Rowing Regatta

Our Fun Boats will be closed on Saturday 27 July at Strathclyde Country Park due to the Home International Rowing Regatta.

Human rights - Easy Read

What is hate crime and how can I report it?

Hate crime is when someone is bullied or harassed because they have a protected characteristic or someone thinks they have a protected characteristic.

Being harassed means being picked on.

Hate Crime - Easy Read

This content is also available in an Easy Read document format.

Characteristics describe us as people.

A characteristic is how you see yourself or a group that you feel part of.

A protected characteristic is one that is covered by the law.

You are covered by hate crime law if you are targeted because of your:

  • disability
  • race - this means how we describe our background

People from an ethnic group might have the same language, culture or religion.

  • religion
  • sexual orientation

Sexual orientation means what kinds of people you love or have sexual or romantic feelings about.

  • or transgender identity

This means you do not identify as the sex on your birth certificate.

We want you to report hate crime:

  • if it happens to you
  • or if you see or hear it happening to someone else

Hate crimes can include:

  • hitting you
  • calling you names
  • damaging your home or your things
  • threatening you
  • robbery
  • online abuse

Page last updated:
03 Aug 2022

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