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Tackling poverty

Increasing income from employment

As part of the Tackling Poverty Strategy income from employment can be increased by:

  • increasing the hourly wage
  • increasing the number of hours worked per household
  • enhancing and improving skills and qualifications
  • improving employment support including access to affordable transport and childcare

Measurable increase in average household income:

North Lanarkshire’s average earnings for people who both live and work in North Lanarkshire is £548.90 (2018).

Despite having a year on year increase this is still lower than the Scottish average of £562.70.

By 2023 North Lanarkshire’s aim is to have average earnings at or above the national average.

North Lanarkshire's Working can help with employment opportunities. 

Action planned to increase income from employment

Action  Planned Outcome Timescale for outcome to be achieved 
Living Wage An increase in the number of North Lanarkshire employers with real living wage accreditation 2023
Community Benefits To improve the economic, social or environmental well-being of our communities 2023
Parental Employment Support Fund An increase in the number of parents entering and progressing in employment 2023
Increase the number of people employed and receiving the real living wage An increase in the number of North Lanarkshire residents receiving the “real living wage” 2023
Improved transport and access to services across North Lanarkshire Equity of access for all our communities 2023
Identify pathways within labour market growth sectors providing progression routes out of low pay in North Lanarkshire Progression pathways identified for key growth sectors with qualifications and progression routes agreed, published and funded. 2020-2023
Supported Enterprise Increase employment opportunities for those furthest from the labour market. 2020-2023
Prospects Programme Assist people of all ages, from North Lanarkshire, into work.  2020/21

Tackling Poverty Strategy

You can find out more about these actions being taken to increase income from employment in North Lanarkshire by accessing the Tackling Poverty Strategy.

How to contact us?

You can get in touch with us by emailing 

Page last updated:
24 Sep 2020

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