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Rowing Regatta

Our Fun Boats will be closed on Saturday 27 July at Strathclyde Country Park due to the Home International Rowing Regatta.

Housing benefits

Money coming in to your household

How we assess your household income

Any earnings you (and your partner) receive are added to any other income you have.

Earnings are:

  • Gross pay less tax, national insurance contributions and half of any amount paid to a private or occupational pension scheme.  Certain childcare costs may also be deducted.
  • Self -mployed earnings after any allowable business expenses are deducted

Other income includes:

  • Money received for an occupational pension, state benefit or pension.

Income from Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or Attendance Allowance (AA) that you/your partner receive is disregarded. However, it should still be declared on your rebate application form as in certain circumstances it may mean you receive a higher rate of housing benefit and there may be no charge for any non-dependants in your household depending on the DLA/AA received.

Page last updated:
06 Oct 2020

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