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Housing benefits

Pension credit for mixed aged couples

Since 15 May 2019, If you're in a couple you'll only be eligible to make a new claim for Pension Credit if one of the following applies to you:

  • both you and your partner have reached Pension Credit qualifying age
  • one of you has reached Pension Credit qualifying age and is claiming Housing Benefit for you as a couple

If you're in a couple and not eligible for Pension Credit under the new rules, you can both apply for Universal Credit instead.

Please note - the above changes are for new claims only.

If you already get Pension Credit and your partner is under the qualifying age, you will carry on receiving Pension Credit for as long as you remain eligible.

However, if your circumstances change, for example your income increases, and you lose your entitlement to Pension Credit, you won't be able to start getting it again until you and your partner are eligible under the new rules.

Similarly, if you were single and claiming Pension Credit before 15 May 2019, but on or after that date start living with a partner who is under Pension Credit qualifying age, you will lose your entitlement until your partner also reaches Pension Credit qualifying age.

For more information, visit GOV.UK or contact us.

Page last updated:
11 Dec 2023

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